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音量 8, 問題 5 (2022)


Risk Based Evaluation and Study of Environmental Monitoring in a Food Industry

Shivani Agrawal* and Sujeet Mrityunjay

Environmental monitoring is the study of microbes which interact with surrounding ambience and monitor them by various method, in which time duration they multiply their progenies. We have monitored microbes in a food industry, as it is our responsibility to provide microbe free food. According to food and drug administration, environmental monitoring and their control is very crucial for every food industries. To evaluate the microorganism in a food industry as well as maintain the very low or negligible growth of microbes in our food by following the good laboratory practice and Cleaning In Place (CIP).


Decomposition of Food Waste and Material Composition\'s Effect on Fuel Briquette Properties

Jasbir Guitian*

This study looked into the possibility of producing non-carbonized fuel briquettes from locally available municipal solid waste (MSW), such as food waste from restaurants, charcoal dust, coconut husk and shell, and sawdust. A minimal expense briquetting machine obtained from Alfaster Businesses in Kenya exhibited the idea. When compared to using regular food waste, briquettes made from decomposed food waste had a higher bulk density (+4%), a higher net calorific value (+18%), and a lower burning rate (-24%).The amounts of ash in the two different kinds of briquettes were not significantly different. The findings also indicate that the quality of briquettes and the temperatures achieved during combustion are enhanced when food waste is decomposed and mixed with tree-based raw materials like sawdust, coconut waste, or charcoal waste. In addition to reducing rural land degradation and deforestation, this recycling solution has the potential to serve multiple benefits in MSW management for sustainable cities.


Characterising the Essential Microbiota and Nutrient Makeup of Packaged Pasteurised Milk Products While they are Being Stored

Matteo Shindano*

Microbial communities in pasteurized milk are intricate and influenced by storage and sterilization conditions. Pasteurized dairy products may be highly susceptible to spoilage due to this intricate microflora. High-throughput sequencing was used to identify microorganisms in packaged pasteurized milk products taken from dairy processing factories in China and stored at 0, 4, 10, 15, and 25ºC for 15 days. As a result, the majority of the microbiota was classified into six phyla and 44 genera. In addition, principal component and multi-factor analyses were used to examine the changes in the pasteurized milk's nutritional composition, which included 8 chemical constituents, 7 taste values and 16 free amino acids. Pseudomonas, Aeromonas, Paenibacillus, and Serratia were found to be the core functional microbiota that has a significant impact on the nutritional content of pasteurized milk by Pearson correlation analysis. As a result, the findings provide a comprehensive understanding of pasteurized milk's safety and shelf life when stored. Pasteurized milk is not only one of the most nutritious sources of dairy products, but it is also a complex biological fluid that is an excellent growth medium for many microorganisms


The Mechanism Of VDJ Recombination In The Human Immune System

Rostern Tembo*

During the maturation of every B cell and T cell in the body, there exists a process known as VDJ recombination, which acts to instate a drastic change in the cells’ genetic makeup. The purpose of the process is to completely randomize the way the genes are arranged so that the consequential immunoglobulins and T cell receptors can take on wildly different conformations, effectively preparing for the infinite possibilities of invasions that will inevitably occur. Taking only one of each of the numerous V, D, and J segments within a locus, proteins involved in the recombination function to bring said segments adjacent to one another, cleave off their ends, and attach them side by side via extra nucleotides placed in between them. As it is the process solely responsible for the body’s ability to protect and effectively memorize a plethora of different pathogens, antigens, and viruses, VDJ recombination almost single handedly defines the role of the human immune system at large. One feature of great importance in adaptive immunity is the ability to respond to an enormous number of different antigens.

The somatic assembly of the T Cell Receptor (TCR) genes generates a diverse T cell repertoire and is an essential component of the thymocytes development.


Positioning Food Provenance And Forensics At The Centre Of Sustainable Food Practices

Denis Buttigieg Ftieni*

Food provenance and forensics are vital concepts that foster knowledge about where food comes from and carry out investigations to ensure that foodstuffs and food products are safe and quality. This study aims at examining the effect of food provenance and forensics on sustainable food practices. Three main aspects of sustainable food practices, including social impact, environmental impact, and economic impact, were assessed. A survey was created and randomly distributed to 200 people living in Abu Dhabi, out of which 152 responses were successfully completed. Multiple linear regression revealed a significant positive impact of food forensics on society, environment, and economy, while food providence had a significant impact only on society (p ≤ .05). It was also revealed that food forensics positively and significantly affect nutrition and health, workers' rights and safety, carbon footprint reduction, food loss and waste reduction, and jobs/incomes but had a significant negative effect on corporate profits. Food provenance had a significant positive impact on workers' rights and safety only. It was concluded that food forensics is of greater influence to sustainable food practices than food provenance. Food forensics provides a greater opportunity to foster better nutrition and health, promote workers' rights and safety, reduce carbon footprint, reduce food loss and wastes, and facilitate job opportunities.


Significance Of Service Quality And Its Influence On Customer Satisfaction And Customer Loyalty In The Restaurants Of Five-Star Hotels Of Delhi-NCR

Omar Abdullah*, Tahir Sufi and Sanjeev Kumar

Purpose: The effort of this research is to look into the connection amid eatery main qualities, client happiness, guest faithfulness and behavior goals. The significance of guest pleasure in mediating the association among eatery, service quality and interactive purposes is examined.

Design/methodology/approach: The complete model size was 296 individuals, which is adequate to get a good depiction of the comprehensive populace. The embattled example stood obtained using a non-probability sampling technique from customers who frequented five-star restaurants.

Findings: The outcomes specify that indispensable restaurant appearances have a durable auspicious influence on interactive purposes. The relationship between key restaurant elements and customer behaviour intentions is moderately facilitated by customer desire. The findings also reveal that there is a considerable disparity between customer loyalty and key restaurant attributes' importance and performance.

Originality/value: This study fills a gap on guest pleasure and trustworthiness in the food and beverage restaurants in five-star hotels, contributing to a well empathetic of customers' expectations and the key restaurant characteristics that influence guest pleasure and postdining behavior intents, influencing customer faithfulness.


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