PUBMED NLM ID:101725304
ISRA 索引付きジャーナル
(ISRA 固有 ID 番号: 30.04.2018.1424)
SIS 索引付きジャーナル ID: 4727
索引コペルニクス値: 83.27
繊維、繊維集合体、テキスタイル、不織布などの他の繊維ベースの材料は、今日の世界経済において非常に重要です。確立された消費者および産業市場での使用に加えて、工業用テキスタイル、強化複合材料、ジオテキスタイル、パーソナルケア製品、濾過、輸送、ヘルスケア、生体材料など、従来とは異なる新しい用途でも広く使用されています。スマート、インテリジェント、電子、ナノ アプリケーション。
Textile Science & Engineering being an academic journal aims to cater and apportionment of the information among the people akin this expertise. Scholarly Open Access journal is persistent in publishing the most authentic and current trends in the precinct of discoveries & inventions. The information can be made at hand in the form of Research articles, Review articles, Case reports, Short communications etc. Open Access allows the reach of the information to its superlate level thereby encouraging and improving the element, impact and the reach of the study on a global scale.
The journal is using Editorial Tracking System for quality review process. Review processing is performed by the editorial board members of Journal of Textile Science & Engineering or outside experts; at least two independent reviewers approval followed by editor approval is required for the acceptance of any citable manuscript. Authors may submit manuscripts and track their progress through the system, hopefully to publication. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions to the editor. Editors can manage the whole submission/review/revise/publish process.
Submit manuscript at or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial office at
Rapid Publication Service
Hilaris Publishing is offering wide range of opportunities, options and services for the prospective authors to publish their scholarly contributions.
The journal caters to the demands of the fast publication without compromising on the editorial quality including manuscript peer-review. This flexibility is being provided to ensure earliest author credibility to their respective contributions and this will also ensure timely dissemination of research outcomes for efficient integration, effective translation and reduced redundancy.
Authors have the option to choose between the standard open access publication service which takes its own course of time for complete publication process or can opt for rapid publication service wherein the article is published at the earliest date (Includes multiple subject experts commissioning for securing earliest peer-review comments). The authors can avail this flexibility based on the personal preference, funding agency guidelines or Institutional or organizational requirements.
Regardless of the option, all manuscripts undergo thorough peer-review process, editorial assessment and production process.
迅速な編集実行およびレビュー プロセス (手数料レビュー プロセス)
このモードで論文を出版することを希望する著者は、明示的な査読および編集上の決定のために 99 ドルを前払いすることができます。最初の編集上の決定は 3 日以内に、レビューコメント付きの最終決定は投稿日から 5 日以内に行われます。ゲラ校正の作成は受理から 2 日以内、または最長 5 日以内に行われます (外部査読者によって改訂が通知された原稿の場合)。
出版用に受理された原稿には通常の APC が課金されます。
著者は出版物の著作権を保持し、記事の最終版は HTML 形式と PDF 形式の両方で公開されるほか、インデックス作成データベースに送信するための XML 形式でも公開されます。ジャーナルの編集チームは、科学出版ガイドラインの遵守を保証します。
Alharthi Martina