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Journal of Health & Medical Informatics (JHMI) には、ヘルスケアと医療情報学に関連するあらゆる分野の記事が掲載されています。私たちのジャーナルは、応用医療情報学、生物医学情報学、がん情報学、臨床情報学、消費者健康情報学、歯科情報学、医療記録、健康情報管理、その他に関連する重要性と科学的卓越性の一般的な基準を満たす原稿の投稿を歓迎します。病院情報学、精神保健情報学、およびヘルスケア関連のすべての分野。

原稿はwww.scholarscentral.org/submissions/health-medical-informatics.htmlに提出する  か、電子メールの添付ファイルとして編集部(submissions@hilarispublisher.com )に送信してください。 


Journal of Health & Medical Informatics は、NIH 助成金保有者およびヨーロッパまたは英国を拠点とする生物医学または生命科学助成金保有者による論文の出版版を出版直後に PubMed Central に投稿することで著者をサポートします。

記事処理料金 (APC):

Journal of Health & Medical Informatics (JHMI) は、公開されているすべての資料への無料アクセスをユーザー/読者に提供するオープンアクセス出版社です。ただし、出版社は出版およびアーカイブの費用を満たすための組織的または組織的な支援を受けていません。したがって、出版社は、以下に提供される著者の記事処理料金のみに依存します。


平均記事処理時間 (APT) は 55 日です


Hilaris Publishing は、将来の著者に学術寄稿を出版するための幅広い機会、オプション、サービスを提供しています。

The journal caters to the demands of the fast publication without compromising on the editorial quality including manuscript peer-review. This flexibility is being provided to ensure earliest author credibility to their respective contributions and this will also ensure timely dissemination of research outcomes for efficient integration, effective translation and reduced redundancy.

Authors have the option to choose between the standard open access publication service which takes its own course of time for complete publication process or can opt for rapid publication service wherein the article is published at the earliest date (Includes multiple subject experts commissioning for securing earliest peer-review comments). The authors can avail this flexibility based on the personal preference, funding agency guidelines or Institutional or organizational requirements.

Regardless of the option, all manuscripts undergo thorough peer-review process, editorial assessment and production process.

Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process (FEE-Review Process)

Authors who are willing to publish their articles under this mode can make a pre-payment of $99 towards express peer-review and editorial decision. First editorial decision in 3 days and final decision with review comments in 5 days from the date of submission. Galley proof generation will be done in next 2 days from acceptance or maximum 5 days (For manuscripts notified for revision by external reviewer).

Manuscripts accepted for publication will be charged regular APC.

Authors retain the copyright of their publication and the final version of the article will be published in both HTML and PDF formats as well as XML formats for transmitting to indexing databases. The editorial team of the Journal will ensure adherence to scientific publication guidelines.


The basic article processing fee or manuscript handling cost is as per the price mentioned above on the other hand it may vary based on the extensive editing, colored effects, complex equations, extra elongation of no. of pages of the article, etc.

Articles Categories

The Journal of Health & Medical Informatics is a scholarly research journals and it considers various types of articles for publication such as:

Research Article: A research article is a primary source. It reports the original study performed by the authors. A Results and Discussion section describes the outcomes of the data analysis. Charts and graphs illustrating the results are typically included followed by conclusion and References. The word limit for a research article should be 1500-6000. Each article should possess a section “Conflict of Interest”.

Review Articles: A review article is an article that summarizes the current state of understanding on a topic. A review article surveys and summarizes previously published studies, rather than reporting new facts or analysis. The preferable word count for review article should be 2500-9500. Review articles must explain:

  • Recent major advances and discoveries
  • Significant gaps in the research
  • Current debates
  • Ideas of where research might go next

Case Reports: Case reports are professional narratives that provide feedback on clinical practice guidelines and offer a framework for early signals of effectiveness and adverse events. They can be shared for medical, scientific, or educational purposes. It is a detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient. The word count for the case report will be 1000-2000. Case studies without proper discussion are not accepted for publication.

Commentaries/Perspectives: Perspective, opinion, and commentary articles are scholarly articles which express a personal opinion or a new perspective about existing research on a particular topic. The word limit for the Commentaries/perspectives should not be more then 1000-1800.

Editorials: Editorials are expert opinions on a specific field where the specialist is able to predict and analyze the future trends based on the current developments. Editorials are generally written by senior scientists, distinguished academicians and noble laureates that have extensive command over the field. The word limit for the editorials should not be more than 900-1200. Short Communication Short Communication is a description, viewpoints, and observations of the author referring facts, findings from other studies and writes a critical and brief analysis that would not exceed 500-1000 words.

Letters to the Editors: Letters to the Editors are reader’s views, opinions, comments, suggestions on various articles published in the journal. Often ‘Letters to the Editor’ elaborate, question, analyze and add value to the study. Letters to the Editors should not exceed 500-1000 words.

Disputes: All the disputes related to copyright violation and scientific misconduct will be thoroughly examined and if proved guilty, the Editor in Chief can reject or blacklist the author/ writings.

Manuscript Submission

Journal of Health & Medical Informatics follows a prescribed set of article types with a specific format for manuscript. Type the entire manuscript, including figure legends, tables, and references, in font 12, in Times New Roman, double-spaced using Microsoft Word. Leave 1-inch margins on all sides. Manuscripts should be written succinctly and should cite select references that are directly relevant. For guidance on length of each article, see section on article types below.

Covering Letter

Covering Letter is declaration of the corresponding author stating that the manuscript is original in all aspects and it is not published or under consideration for publication with any other publisher. The declaration must also include a statement that the study did not violate any national or international laws on human, animal and environmental rights. All the other authors that have contributed for the study are bound to obey the declaration signed by the corresponding author.

Title page

The title page must display the complete title of the study reflecting its overall objective followed by the complete list of all authors’ with their full names, affiliations; an abbreviated title for the running head (not to exceed 50 characters, including spaces); name and address of corresponding author, contact telephone, fax number, and e-mail address. Where necessary, identify each author’s affiliation by superscript numbers matched to the appropriate institution. The subsequent pages furnish and unfold the study. The manuscript must be clearly demarcated with the sub-headings, stated in Arabic numbers. Each and every page of the manuscript must be thoroughly numbered on top right corner of the page.

Abstract and Keywords

The manuscript must begin with an abstract of not more than 500 words that captures the entire summary of the study, including its scope, methodology, findings, conclusion and limitations. At least five important terminologies reflecting the theme of the manuscript must be placed as keywords at the end of the abstract.


All the manuscripts must start with an introduction to begin with, which sets the tone and the foundation for the study. Introduction provides basic information of the study by referring similar such studies elsewhere. Introduction briefly discusses various key aspects of the study, raising valid and important questions, which may be answered subsequently as the study progresses.

Methods and Materials

Methods and materials section discusses the research methods deployed to conduct the study, including the sample size and technique. It also discusses the tools used for the data collection, and interpretation.


The author draws various conclusions by analyzing the information extracted by analyzing the data elicited from the study. These are findings that the author/s would get at the end, may or may not coincide with the hypothesis set by the author/s at the beginning of the study.

Discussion and Analysis

The collected information is analyzed statistically by applying various relevant formulas that are universally acceptable and the data is analyzed to produce observations and statements that are backed by valid evidences. This part of the manuscript generally represents tables, graphs, diagrams, charts that reinforce the values and information discussed in the manuscript as text.

Tables, Figures, Graphs and Diagrams

All the tables, graphs, diagrams and images provided in the text must have captions and legends, indicating their appropriate location in the manuscript. All the tables must be presented in the numerical order in Excel format, charts and diagrams must be presented in excel/word format and the images, diagrams and pictures must be presented in jpeg format.


Conclusions are generally drawn from the findings that are summarized tat the end to draw valid findings of the study.

Limitations & Recommendations for Future Studies

Authors must define and state the limitations if any within the scope of the study and must clearly state it to avoid confusions. Authors must also suggest recommendations for future studies on this area.


This is an important part of the manuscript where author/s cites the source of the information referred in the manuscript to avoid copyright violation. The Advanced Practices in Nursing follows Chicago style of referencing. Author/s must carefully arrange the references as stated below.

Article with single author: Last Name, First Name. “Article Title.” Journal Short Name in italics Volume Number (Year Published): Page Numbers.
E.g. Smith, John. “Studies in Pop Rocks and Coke.” Weird Science 12 (2009): 78-93.

For an article written by two or more authors: List them in order as they appear in the journal. Only the first author’s name should be reversed, while the others are written in normal order. Separate author names with a comma and place ‘and’ between last two authors.

E.g. Smith, John, and Jane Doe. “Studies in Pop Rocks and Coke.” Weird Science 12 (2009): 78-93.
E.g. Smith, John, Austin Kaufmann, and Jane Doe. “Studies in Pop Rocks and Coke.” Weird Science 12 (2009): 78-93.

For more than 4 authors: E.g. Smith, John, Austin Kaufmann, Jennifer Monroe, and Jane Doe, et al. “Studies in Pop Rocks and Coke.” Weird Science 12 (2009): 78-93.

Citation of book: Grazer, Brian, and Charles Fishman. A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life. New York: Simon & Schuster, USA, 2015.

Citing News or magazine article: Farhad, Manjoo. “Snap Makes a Bet on the Cultural Supremacy of the Camera.” New York Times, March 8, 2017.

Book review: Michiko, Kakutani. “Friendship Takes a Path that Diverges.” Review of Swing Time, by Zadie Smith, New York Times, November 7, 2016.

Thesis or Dissertation: Cynthia, Lillian Rutz. “King Lear and its Folktale Analogues.” PhD Diss., University of Chicago, (2013): 99–100.

For more details on Chicago reference style please refer to https://libguides.murdoch.edu.au/Chicago


Author/s must acknowledge all the persons, institutions, organizations and the funding agencies that are resourceful in conducting the study.

Conflict of Interest







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