Kalu banga Matthew,Tumwebaze Samuel and Kakwezi Patrick
The study sought to examine how multi-channel distribution operations affect a firm?s performance. A cross-sectional study approach was used together with the quantitative and qualitative research designs. A sample was determined scientifically from a study population of senior and junior staff engaged in sales and distribution, and distribution agents, wholesale and retail using the Krejcie and Morgan scientific table for determining sample size. Data was collected using a self administered questionnaire and analysed using statistical measures obtained using SPSS (Statistical package for social scientists). The study findings show that efficiency in distribution nodes support overall firm?s performance, multi-channel distribution management practices have an effect on the performance of a firm and that multi-channel distribution operations face a number of challenges including difficulties in multi-channel activities coordination resulting into inter-channel conflicts, and intra-channel competition threatening the firm?s pricing power.