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Cost/Effectiveness Treatment of Acute Renal Failure Secondary to Multiple Myeloma with Filters High Cut off


Rafael Alvarez Lipe *,Ana Berni Wennekers ,Pilar Martín Azara ,Jose Esteban Ruiz Laiglesa ,Beatriz Bergasa Liberal

Introduction: Treatment of Multiple Myeloma with high cut off filters was started in 2007. Working hypothesis: The High Cut Off hemodialysis is a cost-efficient treatment. Objective: To demonstrate that a combination treatment of chemotherapy and High cut off dialysis improves patient survival and quality of life, while saving costs by chronic dialysis. Methodology: Up to 13 treatments with HCO filters have been applied in the University Hospital Lozano Blesa of Zaragoza to patients with acute renal failure (ARF) secondary to Multiple myeloma. Results: 13 treatments were performed on 12 patients with high cut off hemodialysis. Six patients were diagnosed with monoclonal gammopathy Kappa and 6 were diagnosed with monoclonal gammopathy Lambda, with high levels of light chains in serum over 500 mg/L (11,036 mg/L on average at the beginning). We have achieved an improvement of renal function and have allowed the patient to live without dialysis dependence in 77%. We demonstrated that the savings would be 11.782 Euros. Discussion: This paper focused on the idea that although the high cost of high cut off filters is an inconvenience, this should not impede their use because the technique has been proven more effective and cost efficient Conclusion: The treatment is cost-effective; cost savings can be estimated in more than 11,000 euros/patient.

免責事項: この要約は人工知能ツールを使用して翻訳されており、まだレビューまたは確認されていません



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