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Basic Science Model of Blood as an Electron-Delivery Circuit Describes the Evolution of the Human Circulation


William S. Peters

A basic science model of the closed one-way circulation of redoxing haem in vertebrates is detailed. The adaptive, mechanistic model is of an electron-delivery circuit bounded by the geomagnetic field and electromagnetic radiation and it accounts for a quantum conformational change in circulatory topography from fish to human via a transitionary reptilian circulation. The model is nested within a macro-evolutionary view of plants and animals as countervailing poles of a light-enabled redoxing biosphere. The model is reconciled with human embryogenesis and evolution. If proven broadly applicable, this basic science model will allow for a greater understanding of vertebrate embryogenesis and circulatory physiology.

The author acknowledges the support of Prof. John Windsor FRACS FRSNZ (Department of Surgery, University of Auckland, NZ), Mr F. Paget Milsom FRACS (Cardiothoracic Surgery, Auckland City Hospital, NZ) and Prof. Peter Hunter FRS and David Ladd PhD (Auckland Bioengineering Institute, University of Auckland, NZ). Thanks also to the Australasian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons for a research grant (2006) and to Don Campbell ME (Matrix Applied Computing, NZ) and Jeff Smith (Deep Animation, NZ).

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