Vidhi Agarwal and Anju Kalluvelil Janardhanan
Investors are considered to behave rationally and invest their money after analyzing the company’s fundamentals. Even then markets have infamous notoriety of acting rather unusually, thus making it difficult for the investors to invest and exit the stock market. It is believed that whatever happens in the financial markets of any country have a very strong economic reasoning but at the same time is largely influenced by the investor sentiment and trust in the company\'s performance. A lot of study has been undertaken to understand the sentimental reaction of a market towards the changes in the company profile. It is evident that profile changes in some companies have a larger impact on the share prices in contrast to other companies, largely due to the role of key managerial personnel in improving the profitability of the company. The reason behind the change in key managerial personnel also determines the extent of the impact on the share price of that company. This research quantifies such impact on IT, Pharma, and Banking Industry in India via Nifty indices of the said sectors.