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音量 6, 問題 2 (2020)


Periodontal Management in a Periapical Osseous Dysplasia Context: A Case Report

Diarra Abdoulaziz, Diallo Ahmad Moustapha, Guirassy Mouhamadou Lamine, Kane Aboubacar Sidiki Tisse, Fall Medina, Bationo Raoul, Konsem Tarcissus, and Mohamed Elfarouki

Introduction: Osseous dysplasias are benign fibro-osseous lesions in the group of non-odontogenic tumors of the maxillae. Periodontitis is an inflammatory pathology of multifactorial origin, which destroys the attachment system of the tooth. By its main etiological factor (dental plaque) and its evolution, periodontal disease constitutes comorbidity in osseous dysplasia and exposing the patient to an infectious risk. The objective of this work was to present, through an illustrated clinical case, a periodontal therapeutic approach in a patient with periapical bone dysplasia.

Case Report: A 57-year-old woman, referred by her dentist for periodontal treatment, presented to our service with the chief complaint “loose teeth and presence of inter-dental spaces”. The clinical examination and the paraclinical assessment made it possible to make the diagnosis of severe generalized chronic periodontitis associated with periapical osseous dysplasia. Periodontal treatment has been instituted. Surveillance has been established for the dysplastic lesion.

Conclusion: This case report illustrates the management of severe chronic periodontitis in a patient with OD. We focused on the non-surgical therapeutic approach in the mandibular anterior area with OD, completed by open flap debridments on posterior sites, resulting in a significant reduction in the percentage of sites with attachment loss greater than or equal to 5mm and stabilization of periodontal disease.


Cornucopia and Highlights of Internet Resources on the Web for COVID-19

Dr. Chee-Hon Ng Dr. Cornelius Tan Prof. Leo FA Stassen

Introduction: A new coronavirus COVID-19 has emerged as the cause of unusual cluster of viral pneumonia cases in China. The situation has rapidly evolved into a global health emergency as declared by the World Health Organization.

Aim: This paper aims to provide a brief and succinct guide to the current knowledge available in the internet regarding COVID-19 and the practice of dentistry. We tabulated the most useful websites available on the internet to the dental practitioner and the reader of our journal.

Methods: Current search engines Googles, Yahoo and Bing were used without time limit to trawl for websites with terms “COVID-19”, “SARSCoV- 2”, “Coronavirus” in conjunction with “Dentistry”, “Infection control” and “Dental Practice”.

Results: We found many yields of websites with good clinical information and current best practices to advert transmission of COVID-19 in the dental practice. There has been an unprecedented change in how dental patients are managed in this crisis. The current best practices are highlighted in the figures. The websites were classified and tabulated and listed as a table.

Conclusion: This paper provides a synopsis of the best available resource in Dentistry and guidance on the internet for COVID-19. The internet is a good source of dental information, resource and tools useful for the dissemination of information on COVID-19. It has been shown that in this pandemic that is happening world-wide, many researchers and scientists have shared their best information about this unknown disease and provided the best timely practices to other practitioners all over the world to avert transmission to healthcare workers in their institutions and to limit the spread of the infection to the local community.


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