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音量 6, 問題 4 (2021)


COVID-19 Response In Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Don′t Overlook The Role of Mobile Phone Communication

Rajnarayan Tiwari

Appraisals of wellbeing limits with regards to the Covid illness 2019 (COVID-19) pandemicindicate that generally low-and center pay nations (LMICs) are not operationally prepared to oversee this health crisis. Propelled by overall accomplishments in other irresistible sickness plagues and our experience in Sub-Saharan Africa, we support cell phone correspondence to improve information collection and detailing, correspondence between medical care laborers, general wellbeing foundations, and patients, and the execution of infection following and resulting hazard delineated seclusion measures. Programmaticaction is required for midway planned announcing and correspondence frameworks working with mobile phones in emergency the board plans for tending to the COVID-19 pandemic in LMICs.


Genuine Antagonistic Occasions of More Established GrownUps in Nursing Home and Local Area Intercession Preliminary

Pratyusha Ganne

Clinical preliminaries of more established grown-ups are progressively normal, yet dangers of genuine antagonistic events(SAE) may shift. We portray the rate of SAE in two randomized preliminaries, one local area based and one nursing locally established.


Hazard of post pregnancy anxiety: Ameta-investigation of associate examinations

Daniel Sushane

The majority of unique investigations showed maternal savagery encounters is related with unfavorable obstetric results, until now, however it isn't certain that the relationship of maternal brutality encounters and the danger of post birth anxiety (PPD). We expected to survey the relationship between maternal savagery encounters and hazard of creating PPD by playing out a meta-investigation of accomplice contemplates.


Development of a Skills: Nursing Crisis Management

Hemant Kumar Singh

Effective emergency the board expects medical caretakers to show legitimate nontechnical abilities asfirst responders to mediate from the get-go in taking care of emergency circumstances. As of now, a social marker systemwith organized scientific classification of nontechnical abilities in emergency the executives is deficient in the nursing liter-ature. This article traces the advancement of an abilities scientific classification, which will shape the premise of the behavioral marker framework that we mean to create in our next period of study


Evaluate the Effectiveness of Stop on Knowledge Regarding First Aid Management Among School Teachers in Selected Schools at Vadavucode Puthencruz Panchayat

Sangeetha Mohandas

A pre experimental one group pre-testpost-test design was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of STP on knowledge regarding first aid management among school teachers in selected schools at Vadavucode Puthencruz Panchayat. The objective were to determine the level of knowledge regarding first aid management among school teachers before structured teaching programme and to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme in terms of gain in knowledge. Methods: The research approach adopted for this study was quantitative type and the research design was pre experimental one group pre- test post- test design. This study was conducted among 30 school teachers in selected schools at Vadavucode Puthencruz Panchayat based on inclusion criteria using convenient sampling technique. The data for the study was collected by structured questionnaire following which samples were subjected to STP on first aid management for duration of one hour. Post test was conducted after seven days following intervention using same knowledge questionnaire. The data were analysed and interpreted by descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: Among demographic variables most of the subjects were in the age group of >41 years (40%) and 13% of them were in the age group of 36-40 years. The pre-test knowledge score were 20% of the participants obtained between the range of good, 47% obtained score in the range of average and 33% obtained poor score. Similarly post test score were 70% obtained good score and 30% obtained average and nobody obtained poor score.This indicate that the mean post-test knowledge score (29.3) after intervention is higher than the mean pre-test knowledge (20.8) before intervention. The obtained’ value 9.7 is significant at p<0.05 level. So the selected hypothesis H1 is accepted. Interpretation and Conclusion: The result revealed that there was a significant improvement in knowledge among school teachers regarding First aid management after structured teaching programme. This research motivates that Teachers should be given training on first aid management during their training course itself


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