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Uptake of Services for Prevention for Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Lubumbashi (D.R. of Congo)


Kakisingi C, Ngoie B, Aningwe F, Numbi E, Kajimb P, Manika M, Tshikuluila B, Kipenge R, Isango Y, Mukuku O, Ngwej D, Mwamba C and Situakibanza H

Objective: Evaluate PMTCT services in the Lubumbashi Health Zone. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study carried out in the maternity wards of all 18 maternities in the Lubumbashi Health Zone from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015; one of the 27 health zones in the province of Haut-Katanga (DR Congo). Included were all women who received prenatal, perinatal and postnatal consultations during the study period.

Results: Of 12496 women admitted to ANC, 6291 (50.1%) were counseled for HIV testing; 6170 (98.5%) were screened and an incidence of 2.4% was observed. Regarding male partners of women diagnosed during ANC consultations, 120 (1.9%) were counseled, 100 (83.3%) of those who were counseled were screened for HIV and an incidence of 20% to HIV was reported. Concerning management of women screened HIV positive during ANC, 106 (89.1%) among them were placed on ART according to Option B+. One hundred and sixteen live-born infants were born from HIV positive mothers and all were placed on nevirapine prophylaxis. Forty-six (39.7%) were tested with DBS at six weeks giving an incidence of 4.3%

Conclusion: These results show that there are still challenges to be faced in preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV in the Lubumbashi Health Zone. The integration of PMTCT activities with Option B+ in all maternity units in this health zone would reduce the vertical transmission of HIV.

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