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The Effect of the Governance Structure of Small and MediumSized Enterprises and the Specific Human Capital of their Managers on their Technological Performance (Case of the Tunisian LLCs)


Mabrouk Najoua

The main objective of this research is to study the impact of the governance structure and the specific human capital of the leaders of the Small and Medium-Sized (SME) on their technological performance. Empirical tests were conducted on SPSS from companies having the statue of Limited Liability Company (LLC). To address this research issue, we analyzed the link between governance and technologic performance in the first section. Then, based on financial theories we formulated a set of hypotheses related to the influence of corporate social responsibility, the concentration of ownership, the presence of auditor, the behaviour of the risk-taking versus non-risk-taking of manager, the age, the experience and the family ownership of the manager on technological performance. The results of the empirical tests indicate that the governance structure had a positive effect on technological performance. Conversely, the empirical tests show that the age and the plurality of manager had negative effects on technological performance.



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