Getahun Bekana
Tef is a major cereal crop which serving as staple food grain for over 70 million people primarily for human consumption after baking the grain flour into popular cottage bread called "injera" and the straw (chid) is an important source of feed for animals. Tef grain has good nutritive value especially iron, calcium and copper compared to other cereals. Because of its gluten-free proteins and slow-release carbohydrate constituents, tef is recently being advocated and promoted as health crop at the global level. The area devoted to tef cultivation is on the increase because both the grain and straw fetch high domestic market prices. But, the national yield per unit area (1.85 t/ha) still remains low, even though the cultivation of tef and its acceptance is become increased in Ethiopia. Soil acidity is one bottle neck from the major several environmental constraints which facing the tef production. The current study aimed to mobilize the reality of the problem and paving the way to alleviate or reduce the problem.