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Polymer Chemistry in Medicine: Advances in Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering


Mansoor Kazemimogha

Polymers have played a pivotal role in the field of medicine for decades, contributing to various applications that have transformed the way we deliver drugs and engineer tissues. Polymer chemistry, with its ability to design and tailor materials at the molecular level, has opened new avenues in drug delivery and tissue engineering. In this article, we will explore the significant advances made in these two critical areas of medical science, thanks to the innovative use of polymers. While polymer-based tissue engineering has made significant strides, several challenges persist. These include achieving long-term tissue functionality, vascularization and immune compatibility. Looking to the future, the combination of polymer chemistry, advanced biomaterials and cutting-edge technologies like CRISPR gene editing and bioprinting holds the potential to create fully functional, patient-specific tissues and organs. This could revolutionize transplantation, reduce the organ shortage crisis and open new avenues for regenerative medicine.



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