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分子生物学: オープンアクセス

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p53 and c-Myc in Reprogramming Energy Metabolism in Metastasis


M. Jasmine Crena*, Lalli Dharmarajan, PSG Prakash, Sangeetha Subramaniam and Devapriya Apukuttan

Cancer, a highly morbid and mortal disease, which shows properties of metastasis thereby tumours formation at a distant site has been in the last decade been probed and overwhelmingly researched and has been shown to have two significant emerging hallmarks in the pathogenesis of metastasis which are (a) Reprogramming Energy Metabolism (REM) and (b) Evading Immune Destruction (EID). REM has the ability to reprogram and modify the cellular status whilst EID has the ability to evade the natural killer (NK) cells and the macrophages. Cancer cells get benefited by these features in terms of acquisition of nutrition, uptake of glucose, metabolic interactions with the micro environment, thereby resulting in increased nitrogen demand. In this paper, we have discussed the benefits of these emerging hallmarks for cancer cells to sustain and proliferate inside the body and the role of p53 a tumours suppressor gene and c-Myc an oncogene in the regulation of metastasis. Recognition of the broad applicability of these abstractions will progressively aid in the development of new means to treat human cancer.

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