Yogeshwar Namdev Surnar and Mahesh Vaijainath Dhumale
Fournier’s Gangrene is one of the rare, but life-threatening disease. It is a fulminant form of necrotizing fasciitis of the perineal, genital or perianal regions with infective etiology caused by a mixture of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms. In the present paper the effect of Chedana Karma and Sandhana Karma in a case of Fournier’s gangrene is documented. The study was conducted on a 42 years old male patient who was admitted to Dhanwantri Ayurved Medical College and Hospital, Udgir. In Shalya Tantra IPD, with the complaints of pain and swelling around scrotum, pain in lower abdomen, fever and pus discharge from scrotum for 12 days. The condition was diagnosed as Kotha (Fournier’s gangrene). Chedana Karma (Early and exhaustive debridement) of the scrotal gangrenous tissues was done followed by Shodhana karma (Daily cleaning and dressing) with Panchvalkala and Triphala kwatha. Scrotoplasty was done after 3 weeks of Shodhana karma when Shudha Vrana features were found. Oral medications Panchatiktaghrita guggulu, Gandhaka rasayana and Amlaki churna were given. Significant improvement was observed in the patient in subjective parameters. The patient resumed his routine work and there was no discomfort, side effect or complication or recurrence after treatment and in follow up period.