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分子生物学: オープンアクセス

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Investigation of Phytochemical Constituents of Tobacco (Nicotiana Tobacum L.) Methanol Extract


M. Anusuya, V. Princy, A. Nagaveni, M. Suganthi, K. Poonkodi and E. Jayanthi

Tobacco is reported to be consists of more than 2000 compounds, and these constituents would change during the process of curing and combustion. The leaves and juice were much used for skin disorders in earlier generation. Since tobacco is the most important avoidable plant because of large number of premature death and diseases in the world due to cancer. The tobacco plant is more seen as destructive plant than as herb. Herein we interested in studying the phytochemical constituents present in the methanol extract of tobacco plant commonly available in Coimbatore district, Tamilnadu, India. About 36 compounds were obtained and most of them are found to be already reported carcinogens.

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