Tsabang N, Fongnzossié E, Keumeze V, Jiofack R, Njamen D, Sonwa DJ and Nguelefack Benois Telesphore
Diabetes is one of the most important multifactorial, metabolic and chronic diseases, with fatal complications that remain a public health problem worldwide. The estimations by the international diabetes federation (IDF) showed in 2015 that, 415 million people had diabetes and with an expected rise to 646 million in 2040. Many ethnobotanical surveys were carried out in several parts of the world, but none has investigated the ethnomedical surveys to record plants used for both treatments of diabetes and its derived manifestations. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to collect and document information on herbal remedies traditionally used for the treatment of diabetes and its signs, symptoms and complications in Cameroon. Detailed botanical prospection and ethnopharmacological thorough preparation was conducted nearby 1131 interviewers from 58 tribes of Cameroon, in a random distribution. In total, 103 plant species belonging to 72 genera in 34 families were reported to be used in the preparation of the herbal remedies. The following species that include Antrocaryon klaineanum, Entandrophragma cylindricum, Cylicodiscus gabunensis, Allanblacka floribunda and Glossocalyx brevipes are amongst many recorded plants documented for the first time in the treatment of diabetes and its interconnected diseases. Nineteen plants species including Allium cepa, A. sativum, Momordica charantia, M. foetida, Morinda lucida are recognized by some interviewers in both usual and suspected treatment of diabetes. Abrus precatorius, Dioscoreophyllum volkensis, Synsepalum dulcificum and Thaumatoccus daniellii are known as edulcorants endowed of antidiabetic properties. The results provide the base for herbal medicines used in diabetes management and for further preparation of phytodrugs for diabetes and its complications.