Assylbekov BZ, Tenlibayeva AS, Konysova SS, Bozhbanov BZ, Yermekbaeva RZ and Auezov M
Aral problem, as the largest environmental disaster the world has acquired acute. This crisis affects the interests of all countries in Central Asia, which is becoming a concern of the world community. In this context, innovative research on the quality and safety of animal products in environmentally disadvantaged areas of the Kazakhstan part of the Aral sea region, is very relevant. One purpose was to conduct scientific research on the presence of heavy metals in the dairy products produced in the farms of the Aral and Kazalinsk areas of the Kyzylorda region of Kazakhstan. It was found that the quality of dairy products compared with the standard rate only slightly reduced and priority objectives for environmental health in the region, are the realization of projects for the system water allocation pools, as well as regulatory measures zones of the Syrdarya river, Recover and preserve the natural background of vegetation and disturbed the balance of the land.