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Advancements in Diagnostic Tools for Viral Infections: Traditional Methods to Next-generation Sequencing


Kristina Berggren

Advancements in diagnostic tools for viral infections have significantly improved our ability to detect and characterize viral pathogens, facilitating
more accurate diagnosis and timely intervention. This review provides an overview of the transition from traditional methods to Next-Generation
Sequencing (NGS) in the field of viral diagnostics. Traditional diagnostic techniques, such as viral culture, antigen detection assays, and Polymerase
Chain Reaction (PCR), have long been the cornerstone of viral infection diagnosis but are often limited by sensitivity, specificity, and the ability to
detect novel or emerging pathogens. In contrast, NGS offers unparalleled capabilities for comprehensive viral genome analysis, enabling rapid
identification of known viruses, discovery of novel pathogens, and characterization of viral diversity within populations. This review discusses the
principles, advantages, and challenges associated with both traditional methods and NGS-based approaches, highlighting their respective roles
in clinical diagnostics, epidemiological surveillance, and outbreak investigation. Furthermore, it explores the potential impact of NGS technologies
on advancing our understanding of viral pathogenesis, evolution, and host-virus interactions, ultimately guiding the development of innovative
strategies for viral infection control and prevention.



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